Saturday 27 October 2012

2 Stars and a Wish - Marking

When marking work at Corley we use this stamp.

 2 Stars and 1 Wish.  

The students in year 7 know that I will be looking at their work and marking it with this image. I will then write 2 good points about their word (next to the stars), or give 2 examples of what they did well. The wish is a direction on how to improve their work. 

The students this term have also been practicing using 2 stars and a wish during peer assessment tasks. They have impressed me with their constructive feedback to others. 

Here is an example of what they might see:

1st Star - Well done, you have shown me you understand Bruno's character by using 3 adjectives to describe him. 

2nd Star - You were also able to tell me how his sister Gretel treated him - with good imaginative words. 

The Wish - Remember to write in sentences and start with a capital letter at the beginning. Try to extend your learning by using an example of something that happened in the book to write about. E.g How Gretel tells Bruno off. 

When giving the students their books back they need to address the marking - Showing me they have read and understood it. They can either draw a smiley face next to it or write their initials. These ideas have come from a class discussion about marking. 

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