Work of the Week

Work of the Week

Keep an eye out here for our class's 'Work of the Week' a celebration of an exceptional piece of work, where you have shown you understand the topic well! 

Friday 7th September

After a busy few days starting at a new school, here is our 1st work of the week! I think you will agree that this description of caramel chocolate is clearly written and shows good use of adjectives! Well done! 

English Work - Describing words! 

Wednesday 19th September

This week during English we have been working on individual powerpoint presentations. They have been presenting them to the rest of the class and completing peer assessment tasks - Listening and responding to class questions. Each pupil was able to choose between their favourite holiday, hobbies, pets or their particular interests. 

This pupil demonstrated a good use of the program 'powerpoint'. Understood the task and presented it with enthusiasm and confidence. He was also able to add extra bits of information during his presentation which made it more interesting for the other pupils. Well done! 

English work - Presentation - Speaking and Listening.

Friday 28th September

During Maths this week we have been working on number bonds. Some students have found this quite challenging, but have all worked really hard. This particular piece of work was completed as an extension activity, independently and he was really pleased when it was completed.
Well done with your 'Number bonds domino triangle' We were very impressed! 

Maths Work - Number bonds triangle.

Friday 5th October

Everyone in year 7 has worked really hard this week! Every lesson has seen some fabulous work! But... in Maths yet again someone has been trying really hard. Its a subject that some people find quite difficult. This particular person demonstrated perseverance with writing addition sums neatly and getting all the answers correct! Well done! 

Photo to follow! 

Friday 12th October

This week during PSHE we have been learning about Healthy and Unhealthy habits. Year 7 have been brilliant at sorting the good from the bad habits. A homework task this week was to draw healthy foods in a lunch box. It was completed by someone who was reluctant to do it in the beginning, he tried very hard and produced a healthy lunch box too! Well done! This person is also our Star of the Week!

Friday 26th October

This half term in Maths we have been working on general maths skills and Money! Miss Vadera and I have been really impressed with how hard our group has been trying. During the last lesson this week we were using Money Dominos. There were two students who worked extremely hard as a team to create a huge floor Money pattern and get all their answers correct - Matching the picture to the amount. Well done boys! 

Maths - Money Dominos 

Friday 16th November

Today's science lesson with Mrs Ansell saw some really productive work being carried out. The students were working on labelling the human body, naming the organs and describing their jobs. This particular student worked extremely hard and asked for support when he needed it. Well done! I think you will agree the body is colourful too! 

Friday 23rd November

During a Humanities lesson this week, we carried out a time line activity. The students have been working on the Roman Empire - They each had a list of events that happened during history and their task was to put them in the correct order. This particular group used the iPads to research the events and hang them up in order in our classroom! Well done guys! 

Humanities - Timeline activity.

Friday 30th November

This week we dedicated a whole day to 'Anti-Bullying'. The whole school focused their learning on the different aspects of bullying and the feelings associated with it. 
There was also a whole class task - we creating an 'Anti-Bullying' poster. 

Well done to year 7, who demonstrated team work and a clear understanding that bullying is not accepted in Corley Centre!  

Friday 25th of January 2013
This weeks work of the week was a joint effort carried out by most of the year 7 class in SEAL. 

The task was to think about being a 'Good Learner' what skills do we need to have to achieve being a successful learner. We created a large pyramid on the board and filled it will skills we needed to work through in order to get to the top and be a 'Good Learner' to achieve our learning goals. Everyone participated and it was a huge success! 

Well done guys! 

Friday 8th of February 2013
This weeks work of the week goes to someone who is new to Corley! He has made such a good effort in all of his lessons and produced some really good work! 

During Art this week he demonstrated his ability to sketch a portrait, using shading and tone. I think you will agree that this does intact look like Jay-Z! Well done! Keep up the good work! 

Friday 22nd of February 2013

This weeks Work of the Week is awarded to this week's Star of the Week! We have been studying Religion in Humanities and he has produced this fantastic booklet to summarise his learning. He has shown his creativity, his English skills and his knowledge about Religion wonderfully :) Great job!

 Friday 1st of March 2013
A BIG congratulations to the winner of this week's Work of The Week-you have won it TWICE in a row! He has produced a poster on coastlines for Humanities and we particularly like the creative way you have added pictures to each of the points. Keep it up-maybe we can make it THREE in a row?!

 Friday 8th of March 2013
This week's work of the week came from a SEAL lesson. After a discussion on Autism and how it can affect individuals, the students were asked to complete an "Autism is..." bubble showing how they see autism. This student presented his work in a creative way and we really enjoyed the points he made. Well done!

Friday 15th of March 2013
This week's work of the week comes from a PSHE lesson. We have been looking at Fairtrade and the student's were asked to produce a leaflet to explain what Fairtrade is and how it helps people. This piece of work is well presented, creative and contains lots of important information. Well done!

Friday 22nd of March 2013
This week's work of the week comes from a PSHE lesson-again! Three students produced a video about Fairtrade.It was informative and entertaining! One student was the director and the others were the actors. They all showed team work and creativity. A huge well done to all of you!

Friday 19th April 2013
This week's Work of the Week was awarded to a student for their Maths work. This student worked hard on tasks that they found particularly difficult. They persevered even when they did not feel very confident-which is very hard to do! Keep it up!

Friday 26th April 2013
This week's Work of the Week comes from another Maths lesson! Students were given individual tasks to complete involving Tally Charts, Pictograms and Bar Charts. Once they completed their task, they were given a piece of a jigsaw. This student worked through each task independently and completed their whole jigsaw! Well done for working hard all lesson :)

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