Star of the Week

The Star of the Week award is given to Year 7 pupils that demonstrate excellent behaviour, follow instructions and work really hard in ALL lessons. 

Sometimes, the Star of the Week is also given as a reward for improved behaviour, or to someone working hard to meet their individual targets. 

Keep an eye out because it could be you!

Autumn Term


This weeks Star was given to someone who has demonstrated good behaviour all week! He has been kind to others and had a smile on his face from morning until home time. Starting a new school is difficult and this person has dealt with it extremely well. Keep up the good work! You will receive a certificate to take home this Friday! 


Today's Star of the week goes to someone with improved behaviour! His behaviour had improved so much that others in our class noticed! :) Well done! You really deserved the big cheer that everyone gave you! We would like to see more of this next week! Have a great weekend! 


Today's Star of the week was given to someone who has made a real effort to concentrate in lessons, and follow instructions given. He has worked really hard in lessons that he doesn't find particularly easy, and has shown great perseverance! Well done you deserve it! :) Keep up the hard work for next week too! 


This weeks star certificate goes to... someone who is ALWAYS smiling, making people laugh and continues to try really hard in all subjects. He has received this award before...But, this week the year 7 staff have seen this person try even harder in Maths and English! Well done again! Have a nice weekend!   


This weeks star of the week certificate goes to someone who has demonstrated kindness and respect to all others around school. From helping people who are not in his class, to supporting his friends that are finding a task challenging. It is lovely to see such kindness in school! Thank you and well done! :) Have a nice weekend!


This weeks star of the week goes to someone who shows kindness to all students and is always willing to help. He tries hard with all of his work and is making a conscious effort to improve his hand writing. Well done and keep up the good work! :) 


The star of the week goes to... Someone who has tried extremely hard to help others, work hard in all lessons and show kindness to others. This student also takes part in the 'Grow to Eat' Club after school. This week he demonstrated kindness and understanding by sharing equipment during the pumpkin carving task. Mrs Janeu was really pleased! (We were pleased to hear it too) Well done! :) 


Our first week back after half term, and this weeks star of the week goes to... Someone who has overcome a fear at school! Has worked really hard to stay calm in challenging situations! This person is always willing to help someone who is struggling. His help others with spelling too! Well done this week! Keep it up! Mrs Capp and Miss Vadera! 


This weeks star of the week goes to... Someone who has participated more during lessons and produced some good work during English! I was particularly pleased when they joined in with a group reading task! Well done! We are very proud of you, lets hope you can keep up the good work! :) 


This weeks star of the week goes to someone who has received a certificate before! We have been proud of this particular students achievement this week. Working with others and showing great team work! Being kind and understanding to others in his class and always offering to help! Well done! 


This weeks Star is someone who's attitude to learning has become more positive. They have been polite to all staff and worked better in a team. Well done, now lets keep it up!


This weeks star of the week is someone who has received it before - They have made a conscious effort with their work and tried hard in all lessons. I was especially pleased with their participation during the drama enrichment session. Well done! Keep up the good work!


Well done to this weeks star! They have worked well in all lessons and made a good effort to meet their personal learning and thinking target given. Keep up the good work! 


Great job to this weeks star! Who is also the Birthday boy! He has participated in all of his lessons this week and worked really hard in English! He has also made a good effort to show kindness to others. Keep up the good work! 

Spring Term

This years 1st Star of the week award goes to a young man who has received it once before! He has made a conscious effort in all of his lessons and is trying really hard to remember his personal space. Well done - Again! :) 


This week's Star has set a new record for Year 7-he is the first student to win Star of the Week THREE times! This week, he has produced great work in his lessons and tried really hard to remain focused. Well done!


Well done to this weeks star of the week!!!! The foundation staff team have recognised such an improvement on how this person deals with his emotions and anxieties.He is beginning to make the correct choices and we are really proud of him for this! Well done! Keep up the good work! :)  


A big Well Done to this weeks Star, he has tried really hard each day to complete all the work he is set in his lessons. He has also shown kindness to his classmates and to all members of staff. Keep it up!


A massive well done to this weeks star! He has made better choices with his behaviour and worked really hard this week to stay focused in all lessons! Really a big well done! Lets hope you can get star of the week next week too! Keep up the good work! We knew you could do it! :)


A big Well Done to this week's Star! He has had a few tricky situations over the week, but he has shown that he can make positive choices each time. He has also worked hard in all of his lessons-even winning this week's Work of the Week! Keep it up! :) 


This week's Star is also the Birthday Boy! He has tried really hard to manage his emotions this week, especially in the lessons he finds difficult. He has come really far with this and shown us that he can be very mature, even when he is stressed.Week! Keep it up! :)


A big well done to this week's Star! He has consistently worked hard in ALL lessons and shown real maturity. He has not only produced some great work throughout the week, but also shown kindness to his classmates, and shown us how grown up he can be-well done! 

A huge well done to this week's Star-he has won it for a record FOURTH time! This week, he has tried really hard in all lessons, especially those that he finds hard. He has used to chill out room when he has been stressed and tried his hardest to focus on his learning. Keep it up! :) 

This week's Star of the Week has had a fantastic week and coped really well with some tricky situations. They have been very mature and shown kindness to others throughout the week. Well done!


Star of the Week this week is awarded to a student who has shown maturity all week. Sometimes it is hard to settle back into our school routine, but this student has been very grown up and worked hard in all of their lessons :) Keep it up!

This week's Star of the Week has shown a HUGE improvement in behaviour and attitude to work. They have worked hard in their lessons and followed instructions from staff. Keep going!

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