Miss Vadera's Poetry Parade

Miss Vadera, our class HLTA, has been working on a Poetry Parade for the Year 7's. We use this area during Mentor Time to discuss challenges throughout the week. The students enjoy poetry and can use this area when they feel necessary. 
She has been very creative and written lots of poems to help us remember important things, for example; personal space, keeping calm and being patient! 
Parents feel free to print out these poems and use them at home. 

(I'd like to add a BIG thank you to one of our very talented Year 7 students, who named the Poetry Parade, and even contributed a poem about poems! What a star! -Miss Vadera)

Thats Why Pencils Have Erasers

Perfection is strange,
Perfection is lame,
In fact, the idea of perfection
Is perfectly insane!

No one gets it all right,
No one wins every race,
If you find someone that does,
They're probably from Outer-space!

Imperfections are unique,
Imperfections are never rare.
And if you look closely,
Imperfections are everywhere!

So it's ok not to be perfect
And it's ok to get it wrong,
After all that makes you you,
And it's what makes you strong

Perfection doesn't exist,
Perfection just isn't there,
The fact that no one’s perfect
Is what makes life so very fair

Miss Vadera 2012

Personal Space

Somebody is standing very close to me,
I can count every line on their face.
There's lots of room around us;
So why are they in my personal space?
I think I can smell their breath,
I can hear it going in and out.
It's getting a little uncomfortable now,
In fact, I think I want to shout!
It doesn't feel very nice right now;
I feel like a bee stuck in a swarm.
But they don't seem to notice this,
It's as if they think that this is the norm!
I can feel myself getting stressed now,
Perhaps it's time to say something?
Maybe they can't even tell how I feel,
And if so, then what harm can it bring?
I take a deep breath and turn to them,
My heart is already starting to race.
"Excuse me," I say to them,
"Can I please have some personal space?"

Miss Vadera 2012


Mistakes Happen

Mistakes can be tricky
Mistakes can be frustrating
Mistakes can be stressful
Mistakes can be distracting
They happen to me
They happen to you
They happen to teachers
They happen to parents too
Mistakes happen often
In fact, it's everyday
Sometimes they make me sad
And that is very ok
Bad days have mistakes
But good days have them too
If they happen everyday
Then what can you do?
We smile, we carry on
We let them make us smarter
But most of all
We Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata!
Miss Vadera 2012

Being Kind

If I pause and take a breath, and look around this class,
I see a sea of faces, each as individual as blades of grass.
Differences? Oh we have many of those!
Some play with Pokemon, some prefer watching shows.
But still we do not judge, tease or bully,
(Even though it’s hard to get on with everybody!)
We speak with kindness and respect,
We smile and accept that none of us are perfect.
We don't point and laugh if one of us struggles,
Instead, we turn and offer a hand to help with their troubles.
And if I follow these rules, and focus on what's inside,
Who knows, maybe I'll even find a new friend by my side.
Miss Vadera 2013

Have a little...Patience
2 4 6 8
Lots of students, we need to wait!
3 5 7 9
Don't need to worry, there's still time!
We can't all shout ''me me me!'
I need to chill-it's not a race!
Miss Vadera 2013

Soon I will be in Year 8
Soon I will be in Year 8.
Lots of changes are coming my way
Some are happening now, some later
Some are even starting today.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
There will be new classrooms for us all
New teachers to teach our lessons
And no poems on the wall.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
My behaviour will begin to change
I will take more responsibility for myself
This might feel a bit strange.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
I will say goodbye to an important place
That Year 7 Chill Out Room?
It will no longer be my space.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
September will bring a new Year 7 group
This will be different for everyone
But I will still have my Year 8 troupe.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
My time as a Year 7 is coming to a close
This might be quite scary to think of
Others are worrying too-it shows.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
I’m excited for this new transition
I will try hard and be mature
And work to high expectations.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
This is what I have been waiting for
I will be mature and kind
When I walk out of the Year 7 door.
Soon I will be in Year 8.
I am becoming a grown-up
This is from all of my teachers
Who are wishing me Good Luck
Miss Vadera 2013

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