Saturday 27 October 2012

2 Stars and a Wish - Marking

When marking work at Corley we use this stamp.

 2 Stars and 1 Wish.  

The students in year 7 know that I will be looking at their work and marking it with this image. I will then write 2 good points about their word (next to the stars), or give 2 examples of what they did well. The wish is a direction on how to improve their work. 

The students this term have also been practicing using 2 stars and a wish during peer assessment tasks. They have impressed me with their constructive feedback to others. 

Here is an example of what they might see:

1st Star - Well done, you have shown me you understand Bruno's character by using 3 adjectives to describe him. 

2nd Star - You were also able to tell me how his sister Gretel treated him - with good imaginative words. 

The Wish - Remember to write in sentences and start with a capital letter at the beginning. Try to extend your learning by using an example of something that happened in the book to write about. E.g How Gretel tells Bruno off. 

When giving the students their books back they need to address the marking - Showing me they have read and understood it. They can either draw a smiley face next to it or write their initials. These ideas have come from a class discussion about marking. 

Our 1st Half Term

Well done to the whole class! We know how hard it is to change schools and make new friends, but you have all done a smashing job! 

Congratulations on completing your 1st half term at Corley! 

You all deserve a restful half term holiday! 

See you back at school on Monday 5th November. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning

It was lovely to see parents, carers and friends of Corley getting together for a good cause! :) 

We raised a grand total of 


A big thank you to everyone that was baking the night before! 

Sunday 21 October 2012

Get Walking!

Coventry's Be Active, Be Healthy team have been developing short walking routes around the city. These walks have been put together using local knowledge from volunteers, and will be lovely this time of year in the crisp chilly British weather! 

To find a list of routes around your area please visit - 

Monday 15 October 2012

Friday 19th Coffee Morning!

The Macmillan Coffee Morning is this Friday 9:30am at the Corley Village Hall.

Looking forward to seeing those of you that can make it! 

Cakes and biscuits can be donated on Thursday, ready for the Coffee Morning. 

Don't forget your pennies for the tea and cake! All for a good cause! :) 

Friday 5 October 2012

Coventry Telegraph - Wish 2012

The Coventry Evening Telegraph are giving schools and local community groups the opportunity to have a piece of £25,000. 

In the newspaper there will be a 'Wish' token. Parents and carers of Corley Centre are asked to collect up as many tokens as possible, so we can have a piece of the action! Depending on how many tokens we receive, they will be spent on new equipment and more trips out for our pupils! 

The more tokens we get the bigger the sum of money we can have!