Tuesday 18 September 2012

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

What is a SPLAT?

A splat is something the pupils at Corley can earn linked to their Personal Learning and Thinking Skills.

Each splat is a different colour.
  • ·      Self Manager – Red Splat
  • ·      Creative Thinker – Purple Splat
  • ·      Independent Enquirers – Blue Splat
  • ·      Reflective Learner – Green Splat
  • ·      Team Worker – Yellow Splat

Each week the pupils will be set a target to work on in lessons and throughout the day. They will achieve a splat where they have met the target and worked particularly hard on a task.
Sometimes pupils will get splats for being helpful or coping with a difficult situation.

On a Friday in mentor time, the staff in year 7 will have a 1:1 chat with each member of the group, count up the splats for the week and check their overall progress. All targets are discussed with the pupils and are chosen together.

We are currently working on remembering to take our planners to each lesson, and work on our targets. If pupils don't remember their own planner splats will not be recorded. 

Talk to your child at home about their target and their splats, as they are very proud of each and every one. 

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