Sunday 24 March 2013

Whole School Focus Day

A few times a year all the students at Corley take part in a whole school focus day. 
Monday 25th of March will be our...

Team Spirit Day 

We will be taking part in outdoor activities planned by a special organisation (To make it extra special). All activities will outdoors and have a team building focus - Working together towards a common goal. 

Year 7 will need:

Old warm clothing
A coat
Wellies or old shoes

Students can come to school already dressed in their outdoor gear! 

Don't forget! 

Monday 11 March 2013

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day 2013

Friday March 15th

Bring £1 to wear non school uniform! 

Sunday 20 January 2013

Snow Day Activities 21.1.13

Hope you have all had a lovely snowy weekend at home! 

Please have a look at the activities below to keep you busy today. You may choose one activity and bring it in to school on Tuesday. 

Enjoy the snow and keep warm! 

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at different styles of poetry. Well done on your 'Magic Box' poems. 

Activity 1
Create a short poem using alliteration or rhyme about your experience in the snow. 

Activity 2
We have also been working on creative and descriptive language. Write 5 sentences describing what you can see looking out of your window. 

We have been looking at 3D shapes and their properties. 

Activity 3
Create your own maths mat with the names of 5 3D shapes. A picture of each shape. Give information on how many faces and edges each shape has. 


A cube has 6 faces and 12 edges